6 Pool Supplies You Need When You Install a Prefab Pool

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By Jaylin

Congratulations, you have bought a prefab pool; you’re the proud owner of a backyard swimming pool. Once the pool has been installed by professionals, it’s your responsibility to ensure that it is in good shape so you can enjoy it all year around.

So, today, we have rounded up a few essential pool supplies that will improve your overall pool experience. So, let’s scroll down and find out:-

#1. Skimmer Net

It is the most fundamental yet essential tool that comes to one’s mind when we think of pool supplies. It has no rocket science concept. Just a net to get rid of unwanted leaves and debris out of the pool water quickly.

Remember that trash makes the pool surface look bad; therefore skimming must be done regularly. You can consider getting a leaf rake; it has a bigger net capacity to scoop out more leaves & debris.

A skimmer net costs you somewhere between $10-$20, according to the net size.

#2. Pool Vacuum

A pool vacuum is a must-have piece of equipment. Also, known as the suction cleaner, it helps keep the pool water free of dirt and algae for long. The dirt accumulating on the pool surface, and decking cover time leads to strains, therefore, make it a habit to vacuum your pool and surrounding at least once a week.

Average pool vacuum price: $150 to $350

#3. Water Test Kit

The secret to well-balanced and safe pool water is to regularly test it; at least two to three times a week. Staying on top of your testing routine will ensure that your pool water is chemically balanced for your family to dive in.

A neglected pool develops strains and other imperfections, which cost you big in terms of repairing bills. Further, if the longer your pool water goes untested, the tougher it is to get the chlorine back to normal.

The average cost of a pool water test kit is between $50- $100.

#4. Pool Brush

Your pool walls with time may appeal slimy and harbor algae, if you are not taking care of it. To make sure your pool stays pristine as new, you need to brush it and wash away the grime.

You need a brush with a steel bristle if your concrete pool is having a plaster surface.

A soft nylon brush is best-suited for a fiberglass pool, as it doesn’t require rigorous brushing.

The average price of a pool brush is $10-$20.

#5. Pool Stains Eraser Tool

No pool owner supply kit is complete without a pool stain eraser tool. It is extremely beneficial in dealing with stubborn stains of your pool’s surface. Just make sure the pool stain eraser tool you buy is compatible with your pool type.

The average cost of a pool stain eraser tool is between $15-$25.

#6. Algaecide

Finally, you have to understand the biggest enemy of your pool is the algae. While fiberglass pool owners have nothing to worry about algae, vinyl & fiberglass pool owners have to stay vigilant. A good algaecide will quickly remove any infestation, so you can enjoy swimming all day long.

Bonus Tip:- Patio Cover

You can’t be swimming all the time; you need some space to unwind yourself from all the life stresses & worries. This is what you get when you install a patio cover to expand your pool area.

The patio cover keeps you cool and relaxed during those humid days. They protect your patio furniture from sun damage.

Is Solar Pool Cover a Value-for-Money Investment?

It’s often hard to stay away from the pool, especially for the kids. A solar pool cover has a bubble structure that traps the sun rays and uses it to heat the pool water, approx 10-15 degrees higher than the outside temperature.

Apart from maintaining optimum pool water temperature, solar pool covers have numerous other advantages. These include preventing dirt, dust, fallen leaves, rainwater, and other contaminants from getting into the pool water.

A cleaner pool would mean lesser use of chlorine, and your filters have to operate for less time, thus saving on energy bills. You can consider installing a pool reel that covers & uncovers your pool with no manual pulling; easy to operate with a flick of a switch.

About Jaylin

I'm a professional blogger, marketer, and entrepreneur. I'm Passionate for writing and focusing on the informative article about Fashion, Health, Beauty, Travel and many more.

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