8 Secrets to Staff Motivation

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By Jaylin

Keeping staff happy to be at work, even after pulling long hours, setbacks and other difficult circumstances can be difficult. However, a little appreciation goes a very long way. Whether you are a business owner looking to hold on to your best employees or a manager hoping to up morale, here are 8 secrets that can make staff motivation easy and effective even in the crummiest of situations…

Give gifts of appreciation.

Everyone looks for gifts. Nothing says ¨you are appreciated¨ quicker than something that you can hold in your hands… especially if it comes as a surprise. Some of our favorite employee gifts include spa certificates, restaurant gift cards, and other items that are especially for your employees. While logo-ed gifts are also popular, be sure to give these business themed gifts with something that says we care about your life outside of work too.

An extra day of off time.

Everyone will appreciate an extra PTO day added back to their off days. For employees with children, this could mean a day at the park – especially if overtime has been happening a lot lately. For employees with health issues, this can be a nice fail-safe for days that they are not feeling well. No matter what the case, no one will turn down an extra PTO day. While it may feel like you are losing work out of your employees, the rest that they get on their off day will improve performance in the office.

Consider in-house daycare.

In a post-2020 world, parents fear more and more leaving their kids for the office. If you can, consider offering in-house daycare. This will create company loyalty and also create happier employees. When you show care for someone´s family, they will often show care right back by doing the best job that they can for your organization.

Do something fun as a team during work hours.

Let´s face it unless it’s happy hour, no one really wants to be forced into a work thing. So, instead, do something fun as a team during work hours. Set up a painting class for your employees to enjoy after lunch. If that sounds a little messy, consider other fun classes that are offered in your area.

Celebrate your employee´s anniversaries with your company.

It may sound cliche but if you put in the effort to make a big deal about each year that passes as a team… it can really pay off big time. You are less likely to lose employees to another business that feels appreciated and wanted. Just like in a good marriage, good business can be much the same. If you take time to remember where it started and celebrate it… you are likely to have many more years under your belt as a crew.

Do a staff scavenger hunt.

Leaving riddles around the offices for your team to find can be a lot of fun. If you do not know where to start, start by looking up some ideas on Google. You can also do a photo scavenger hunt where your staff Motivation takes selfies with different items or in different poses to win the game. Offer small prizes or a trophy for their desks. When it is a fun game… the prize really does not matter anyway. It is fun being had to win it.

Recognize a different employee each week.

An employee of the month is played out. Recognize more people by celebrating someone new each week. Make it fun. Put a blown-up-sized portrait of the employee´s face on a tiny body aboard. Have everyone write good things about that employee all around the face. Make sure to take a picture so that the employee can show it to their friends or use a poster board so that they can take it home or showcase it in their office.

When in doubt… ask.

If you don´t know what your employees want from you… ask. What would make them feel appreciated? What would make them feel more like part of the team? Is there anything that you are doing that you could do better? is there anything they would like to see change? How?

The trick to this one is… you HAVE to be open to these answers. You cannot do this if you will get offended and hold a grudge or look at your staff differently. In fact, if you can learn to take their criticism as ways to improve… you will already be ahead of the game, creating new employees, keeping old ones, and fostering a workspace that keeps staff motivated and on the payroll.

As you journey to make your staff feeling more needed and appreciated, remember to switch it up. Always look for new ways to show them that they matter. While you DO pay their paychecks… they also keep you in business running strong and acting as the face to clients who need to see kind people at their best. When you appreciate them… they will return the favor, working harder, better and drawing in more clientele for all of you.

About Jaylin

I'm a professional blogger, marketer, and entrepreneur. I'm Passionate for writing and focusing on the informative article about Fashion, Health, Beauty, Travel and many more.

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