Argument Essay About Health Care Reform

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By Jaylin

In an argument essay about health care reform, you must present arguments on both sides of a controversial issue. For example, if you’re against mandatory childhood immunization, you should explain the health consequences of vaccines and provide statistics to prove the safety and effectiveness of write my essay today. Lastly, your argument essay should conclude with a summary of critical points and a restated thesis statement.

Arguments against universal healthcare

Arguments against universal health care reform include concerns about the cost and the possibility of malpractice lawsuits. One of the most common arguments against universal healthcare is that it would make the system unaffordable for most Americans. Moreover, it would limit access to life-saving procedures and increase waiting times for elective surgeries. In addition, it would require more government money to cover everyone, which could raise taxes.

A recent study from the Heritage Foundation found that a universal healthcare plan would cost 21.2 percent of the average household income in 2020. This would lead to a significant reduction in the level of income for 73.5 percent of the population. This would affect about 156 million Americans who have employer-sponsored coverage. The average household income would drop by $10,554 annually, leaving them 87 percent worse off than before.

Despite the substantial upfront costs and the logistical challenges of universal healthcare, it is argued that it would ultimately improve public health and the economy. It may also result in a healthier population. Unfortunately, there is a lot of disparity in the health of Americans, and those living in lower socioeconomic status areas are more likely to develop chronic conditions than their peers. Universal healthcare would address some of these problems while ensuring everyone can access quality healthcare.

Efficacy of universal healthcare

The efficacy of universal health care reform is a controversial issue. While a system with universal coverage is preferable to exclusive designs, it also has its limitations. In addition to offering high-quality care to all citizens, a universal system tackles a growing chronic disease crisis, reduces health disparities between SES groups, and promotes preventive health initiatives.

The efficacy of universal health care reforms will depend on the country’s history, political leadership, social and ethical principles, and domestic financial resources. Unfortunately, financial resources are scarce in low-income countries, making implementing a universal health care system more complex. Therefore, governments must develop a realistic EBP that guarantees coverage to all citizens. This process, known as defining essential health services (EHBs), is an important first step towards universal health care.

The COVID-19 pandemic, which spread across 190 nations in 2020, exposed the flaws in the existing healthcare system. It highlighted enormous inequities and gaps in coverage. The lack of access to care and range is one of the significant barriers to improving health in America. Lack of coverage can increase the pandemic risk, increase morbidity and mortality, and lead to financial hardship.

Impact of free health care on the overall health of the population

A large part of U.S. healthcare spending is on chronic conditions, including diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. These diseases account for nearly 90% of all healthcare costs, costing approximately $1.1 trillion in direct and indirect costs each year. Addressing these risk factors is one way to reduce healthcare costs and improve population health.

One solution is to create a federal-state health care program. This would ensure access to care for all citizens while promoting federalism. The government oversees the health care system, and the states operate the programs. Most of the care would be delivered by private-sector physicians, clinics, and hospitals. But this solution would have some drawbacks, such as strict eligibility requirements and low payments to physicians and hospitals.

One of the main reasons that people stay uninsured is the cost of health care. These factors include premiums, copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance. In addition, the types of care and services offered under the plan also influence costs. Tips, for instance, vary depending on the enrollment mix, the level of coverage, and the cost of administrative overheads.

Cost of universal health care on the overall health of the population

In countries with universal health care, medical care costs are usually more transparent and predictable. In most cases, each medical act has a fixed price across the country so that patients can expect the bills in advance. This differs from the U.S., where medical bills can be unpredictable and opaque.

Public spending on health care has been around 5% of GDP for many years. That is lower than the 10% average of European Union countries. It also is below the soviet levels of the 1960s and 1970s. It was as low as 2.4% in 2004. However, the distribution of expenditures among the population is extensive. While those at the top of the income distribution spend nearly $70,000 per year on health care, those in the lowest income group spend only $700.

The key to achieving universal health care is developing strong and robust financing systems. Without universal health care, many people would not be able to afford necessary medical services, leaving them at risk of financial hardship. Pooling funds from compulsory funding sources would help spread these risks among the entire population.

About Jaylin

I'm a professional blogger, marketer, and entrepreneur. I'm Passionate for writing and focusing on the informative article about Fashion, Health, Beauty, Travel and many more.

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