Water is a basic necessity in any living being’s life. Life is unimaginable without water. Most people are so privileged these days that they don’t use water properly and waste most of it. Some parts of the world are facing water scarcity. Water scarcity means the lack of fresh water resources or not having access to safe water.
Approximately 1.2 billion and even more people do not have access to clean water. Scarcity of water involves water deficits or shortage, water crisis and water stress. Water crisis can be defined as a situation where the portable, clean water in an area is lesser than its demand. We should take as many measures as possible to save water. Conserving water is an important job we all should be doing due to the high demand but less supply. Water conservation has become important now more than ever due to drought in many areas. Most water is wasted due to little things we neglect like leakages. 40% of water supply gets wasted due to leakage in India. If you have a leakage in your home and live in Panchkula then contact plumber in panchkula.

Ways to fix a leaking pipe
Minor pipe leakages can also be fixed at home and don’t need much expertise. But it is advised to get it re-evaluated by an expert as it is a temporary fix. Here are the ways in which you can fix leaking pipes:
- The first step to fix a leak is to shut off the main valve.
- For pinhole leaks, use a repair clamp that can be bought from any local store.
- Use waterproof tapes for the leaking holes. But make sure to clean the pipe dry before applying the tape.
- Rub a compound stick over the runny pipe in order to fix leaks. They can fix the leaks even in running pipes.
- A packed sink can easily leak. Make sure to check under the sink once in a while to check for leaks.
- You can also apply epoxy and cover the leak with rubber. Allow it to set for an hour or so before running the water.
- Another way to fix a leak is to cut and solder the pipe if you have copper pipes. You don’t always have to do it on your own, you can contact plumbers. If you live in in Zirakpur then contact plumber in zirakpur.
- If you do not have copper pipes, you can buy replacement with union piece that joins them.
- When the water inside pipe is colder that the humid air that surrounds it, the sweating occurs. Use self-adhesive drip tape to fix sweating pipes. To control the moisture problem, insulate the pipes.
So much water is wasted through leakage and billions of people suffer water scarcity and have no access to clean drinking water. We, as responsible humans, should do our part and fulfil our duty as a citizen of the country. Small measures like checking plumbing system in your house can contribute a huge deal in saving of water.