How To Get Back on Your Feet After Rehab

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By Sarah Jay

Congratulations on your fantastic achievement of completing rehab! If you’re like many people in recovery, odds are that you’re experiencing mixed feelings regarding your next steps forward. While it’s normal to feel a mixture of excitement and fear after completing rehab. It can be a good idea to come up with a plan to maintain sobriety after rehab.

If you’ve been concerned about how you’ll get back on your feet in this next stage of recovery. There are many things you can do to increase your odds of success. For a few things to do when rebuilding your life after addiction, read on.

Getting Finances in Order

While you’ve just spent months or weeks learning about how important it is to make your sobriety a priority, it’s also important to remember the basic hierarchy of needs if you intend to avoid relapse. Like it or not, money and the ability to eat will matter if you hope to transition back into the community without using it again. For this reason, it’s important to get your finances in line as soon as possible. Eliminating financial stressors is a great way to give yourself a better chance of maintaining a healthy recovery.

For example, perhaps you live in Alberta and just got into a new apartment where you hope to start fresh. But haven’t come up with a budget or plan for your bills and finances yet. Start with a Google search for online banks in Canada through Wealth Rocket. Wealth Rocket is a personal finance site geared toward those who are trying to navigate the vast world of finance. An app or program like this can help you quickly make sense of your financial picture. And certainly, reduce the sort of stress that could be triggering.

Identifying Ongoing Supports

Once you have a plan for your job, housing, money, and basic needs. It’s a good idea to be sure you’re still connected to the facility or peer support network that helped you get clean in the first place. Research shows that people who work a post-rehab program have higher success rates than those who return to the community without a transitional treatment plan or regular meetings.

For example, perhaps you just left a fantastic Phoenix drug rehab and have been doing well in the early days of your recovery post-rehabilitation stay. It could be a great idea to contact the facility to ask their licensed staff members about support groups and programs they recommend for you in the community. Surrounding yourself with healthy people also working on a recovery program can be helpful.

Creating Boundaries and Healthy Relationships

Healthy boundaries and relationships are key to self-care and better mental health. And could add up to a better shot at long-term recovery. When rewriting your story and working on your next chapter, it’s a good idea to take a look at the people and relationships in your life. Do what you can to eliminate toxic people or situations that could be triggering and instead rely on your support groups and sober peers for support.


You’ve worked hard to be your best self, and while getting back on your feet will have challenges, you certainly don’t need to do it alone. Do what you can to put yourself in situations where you’ll have like-minded people around. In the end, your desire to put your recovery first will help you get back on your feet after rehab. In creating new habits, relationships, boundaries, and even a financial plan, you’ll increase your odds of avoiding relapse. Congratulations again on your completion of rehab. You’ve already proven to yourself that you have what it takes to make healthy choices. Next, trust your instincts.

About Sarah Jay

Sarah is a professional blogger and content writer. She loves to share her different ideas and thoughts by blogging. She is very enthusiastic about traveling and fashion.

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