How Educational Games Can Improve Cognitive Development in Children

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Games nourish several cognitive faculties, including memory, problem-solving, social interaction, and creativity. They also help to satisfy a psychological need for learning by providing enjoyment, passionate involvement, structure, motivation, ego gratification, and adrenaline.

The “PaGamO” assessment score accounted for 5% of the student’s final grades and was a significant predictor of their multiple choice questions (MC) scores on the final examination.


Many parents are concerned about video gaming and its adverse effects on children, but studies have shown that educational games can improve kids’ cognitive development. The reason is that educational games require kids to work on their memory, which is crucial for various reasons. For example, a study found that children who played three hours of video games daily showed more activity in brain regions associated with impulse control and working memory than non-gamers.

Other games that improve cognitive development include puzzles like Sudoku, which develops logical thinking, and crosswords, which build vocabulary and encourage a love of language. Mazes also exercise the brain’s primary functions, such as executive function, spatial learning and memory, graphomotor skills, foresight, and problem-solving strategies (Venkatesan & Lokesh, 2020). Practicing imaginative play is another way to strengthen your child’s cognitive abilities. Acting out scenarios like playing telephone, holding a tea party, or building with toy blocks can help your child learn symbolic thinking and theory of mind and develop their creative thinking skills.

A game that improves memory is finding the right cup, which requires children to look at 3 cups upside down and then locate an item in one. This game develops visual and association memory and improves concentration, which can be helpful in school settings where students must block out distractions and focus on the task at hand.


Identifying a problem and finding solutions is a big part of daily life. This is true for children and adults, from figuring out how to fix a broken toy to solving complicated business problems. Educational games help children learn how to problem-solve in a safe environment.

Video games like Online Ludo and action video gaming help kids improve their ability to focus and think quickly while interacting with different elements in the game. This helps them improve their concentration levels, an essential skill for academic success. Kids also develop better ways to manage their impatience while playing these games.

Problem-solving involves identifying the problem and understanding its complexity. This step often includes brainstorming and evaluating options to find the best solution. Remembering that every solution is unique and may not work for everyone is essential.

One of the challenges with problem-solving is maintaining motivation. It is often problematic for people to stop playing their favorite video games, even though they might know it is not suitable for them. This is why scholars are interested in studying how educational games can use motivational strategies to help students stay engaged. They have found that using self-determination theory, a popular theory in psychology can benefit student engagement.

Social Skills

Playing educational video games can help kids learn to deal with competitive urges and healthily solve problems. Many of these games give players very little direct instruction on solving a problem and instead encourage them to experiment and try different solutions, a process similar to how real-world scientists approach solving complex problems. Some studies have even found that playing certain games improves a child’s perspective-taking ability, which is imagining what others are thinking or feeling.

Kids can also practice cognitive development by attempting to complete tasks that require concentration, such as sorting household items or toys into their proper containers. They can also work on hand-eye coordination by practicing with a bat and ball or playing peekaboo with a parent or a toy object. These activities are essential for children when they begin to develop the concept of object permanence, meaning that an object exists even when hidden from view (Piaget, 1964).

Social skills are an essential part of cognitive development, and there are several ways that parents and teachers can help kids build these skills. For example, kids can learn to recognize emotions by playing Emotional Bingo or going on an emotions scavenger hunt around the house. They can also learn to pay attention to someone else without interrupting by playing the Do Not Interrupt Card Game.


Using educational games can encourage students to think creatively. They can also develop their skills in creating and designing games themselves, which can be an effective way to help them learn more about the subject matter they are studying.

Aside from fostering cognitive development, many educational games can improve a child’s concentration and attention span. This can help them focus better on their school work and learn faster. It also helps them improve their ability to switch between tasks requiring different thinking levels without making mistakes.

When playing educational games, children can practice their memory skills – for example, by trying to match pairs of objects or by learning the order of things in a game, such as snakes and ladders. They can also work on their number recognition and addition skills by playing games that require players to add up their scores. They can also practice their problem-solving skills by experimenting with strategies while playing these games.

One of the most critical aspects of cognitive development is creativity. Children who can think creatively are more likely to be able to find solutions to real-world problems. This is why it is so essential for them to be exposed to various experiences and activities in their early years. This will allow them to build their cognitive abilities and be prepared for future challenges.

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