How Jelly Roll pre show ritual Reveals the Singer’s Success Secret

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By Jaylin

Jelly Roll pre show ritual reveals the secret behind this American music superstar’s steady rise despite difficulties that would’ve ruined the life of any ordinary man.

In a recent interview, the ‘Save Me’ singer revealed what he does just before a show as a regular pre-show ritual. 

In this Elivestory blog post, we’ll see how this ritual can justify his impressive success despites many dangerous odds. 

Jelly Roll pre show ritual

In the interview to an American magazine, Jelly Roll, the celebrity singer, rapper and songwriter, revealed that before a show he:

  • Goes on a night-out with his team. 
  • Just before taking the stage, he stands in a circle with his team and says a prayer. 
  • He takes two bananas and does a little boxing workout for 15 to 20 minutes. 
  • He kisses his wife. 

Before we delve deep into the psychological reasons behind these actions, let’s know a little bit about these pre-show rituals.

What is a Pre-Show Ritual

A pre-show ritual is a certain habit or action that helps an artist or athlete or a professional to get into the right mindset for optimum performance.

These rituals actually reflect the inner beliefs of a performer. He believes that this ritual will make his performance a success. 

This belief gives him confidence, motivation and energy which helps him use his talent to the fullest.

Some Crucial Facts about Jelly Roll

To understand how the Jelly Roll pre show ritual reveals the secret of his success , it is imperative to know some major facts about this ace singer. 

From Jason to Jelly Roll

Jelly Roll was born Jason Bradley DeFord on December 4, 1984 in Tennessee in the US. He was a cute child but very fat.

His mother, an addict and a manic depressive patient, started calling him Jelly Roll due to his obesity. 

It was a derogatory name, of course, but somehow Jason decided to turn this insult into his motivation and retained this name when he started getting famous.

He later said in an interview that despite the sea-saw mood and destructive lifestyle of his mother, he loved her from the deepest core of his heart. 

A funny name with a sad history.

From Jails to the Limelight

Jelly Roll has a proven criminal track record. 

He himself said in an interview that he had gone to jail 40 times in his life so far for various minor to major criminal activities. 

His criminal activities ranged from drug-related crimes to felony and strong-arm robbery. At 16, he was convicted of committing a serious robbery and was tried as an adult. 

That meant a long jail term.

And Jelly Roll, despite 40 jail visits, won 3 prestigious CMT Music Award for his blockbuster hit Son of a Sinner in 2022.

From Cocaine to Weed

In another interview in 2023, the singer of Son of a Sinner admitted that he still used drugs and alcohol, but occasionally. 

He said he now uses marijuana (weed) instead of hard drugs like cocaine he used in his olden days. 

At first, this frankness may seem alarming to many. 

But if you consider the almost insurmountable difficulties in kicking out drug addiction, this should sound like a positive transformation.

Remember, we’re trying to understand the Jelly Roll pre show ritual and all this discussion will help us to put the ritual in its proper perspective.

From an Addict Mother to a Loving Wife

Jelly Roll married Alyssa DeFord, who is popularly known as Bunnie XO in 2016. 

The couple don’t have any children, but Bunny XO carefully fosters her husband’s two children from his previous relationships. 

Jelly Roll is a family man and says that his wife is his real friend and inspiration. 

The couple leads a happy conjugal life and recently informed the media that they were planning to have a baby using in-vitro fertilisation method.

When we dissect the pre-show actions of Jelly Roll we will remember this important fact of his life.

From 500 lbs to 400 lbs Bodyweight

In 2015, Jelly revealed that he weighed 500 something pounds. He confessed that he was addicted to food, alcohol and drugs which contributed to this dangerous obesity. 

He launched an anti-obesity programme and tried to shed some weight. Despite some initial weight loss, he again fell prey to his unhealthy lifestyle and expressed frustration over this on social media platforms. 

But he continued to try and in October 2024, he announced that he had managed to shed 100 pounds and wants to shed another 100. 

The Psychology Behind Jelly Roll pre show ritual

If you have carefully read the above discussion you may already have an idea of the psychological profile of this remarkable American singer.

Jelly Roll pre show ritual, like all other rituals, is powered by some specific psychological motivations.

Let’s see now what psychological traits of this man emerge from the facts of his life we now know.

Jelly Roll Mentality 1: He is Analytical

Go back to where I told you about the story behind his name. What do we learn from it? We learn that Jelly Roll is a derogatory nickname given by none other than his mother.

What would’ve happened to an ordinary chile in such a scenario? 

This incident probably would’ve generated a permanent hatred of his mother and a general dislike of women in his mind.

The first sign of this dislike would’ve manifested in his hatred of this name and anger against anyone using it, casually or playfully. 

But Jelly Roll was no ordinary child. Even at that tender age, he had the ability to analyse a situation logically.

He realised that his obesity is aggravating the disturbed mind of his mother and Jelly Roll was just an outcome of that aggravation, not a real dislike of him.

So he didn’t hate Jelly Roll, but gave it a permanent and prominent place in American music history. 

Jelly Roll Mentality 2: He is Optimistic

The Jelly Roll pre show ritual is a manifestation of an adamant optimism. He is an out and out optimistic man who always sees a magnificent singer in even a highly insulting name.

All facts of his life that I’ve just told you are testimonies to this positive mindset. No matter how seemingly insuperable the hurdle might be, this man always finds a way around it or over it. 

Jelly Roll Mentality 3: He is Honest

This celebrity is amazingly frank, maybe too frank for his welfare. 

Whatever happened to him and is happening to him, he tells it to the world without caring a pin about the consequences.

We can find a plethora of examples of this honesty in his regular posts on different social media platforms. 

No matter how embarrassing the truth is, Jelly shares it with his fans and friends honestly.

Jelly Roll Mentality 4: He is a Fighter

As we’ve seen, Jelly Roll committed many crimes, minor and major, in his life. He went to jail 40 times. 

Any ordinary man probably would have been dead or serving a long jail term by now. But Jelly Rolls is preparing to release another runaway hit album or launching another world tour. 

Yes, a real fighter is our Jelly Roll, ain’t he? Throughout his life so far he has fought disregard from his beloved ones, drugs, obesity, depression and frustration. But he never quits.

Jelly Roll Mentality 5: He is a Lover

In our discussion of Jelly Roll pre show ritual, we are now in a position to decide that Jelly Roll is basically a lover.

This talented singer can love not only what is lovely and beautiful, but can love what is apparently unpleasant and hateful. 

This indomitable love helps him write and sing lovely songs, keep his family intact and inspire a sense of fellow-feeling among his band and team members. 

Jelly Roll pre show ritual: Psychological Justification

We will now take up the actions Jelly Roll takes as his pre-show ritual and put them in their proper psychological perspective.

We will do it by justifying them with what we now know about the temporal and psychological facts of this talented musical celebrity of America.

Jelly Roll pre show ritual: Action 1

The first action in Jelly Roll pre show ritual is he goes out with his team on a night-out the day before a show. 

From his psychological profile that we just made, we know he is a fighter and a lover. 

So he takes every show as a challenge and the fighter and lover in him propel him to appreciate and love his team members.

The fighter in him knows the success of a show is the success of teamwork. And the lover in him knows he has to show his appreciation and gratitude to people without whom he cannot be successful. 

Hence, a night-out with his team. 

Jelly Roll pre show ritual: Action 2

Jelly Roll stands in a circle with his team and says a prayer just before he moves on to stage. 

This is the second action in his pre-show ritual.

As we have seen this man has a positive optimistic mindset. He also told his fans several times that he has a habit of offering a prayer to the divine forces who protect and help him.

This reverence for the divine supports the lover and the fighter in him to express them fully on stage. 

This prayer also justifies his hopeful psyche that has helped him cross many hurdles of life. 

Jelly Roll pre show ritual: Action 3

As the third action in his pre-show ritual, Jelly Roll takes two bananas and does some physical workout.

Again, this is the action of the fighter in him. 

He knows his obesity is not very conducive to long stage sessions, so he does everything that can give him the energy he will need while performing. 

The optimistic fighter is on the move here, trying desperately to counterbalance the severe demerits of obesity and poor health and unhealthy lifestyle.

Jelly Roll pre show ritual: Action 4

The last action in the Jelly Roll pre show ritual is when he kisses his wife before going on-stage. 

The lover, the optimist, the family man, the fighter all are acting here to make his stage performance a success.

He is honestly paying gratitude and respect to a woman who has all along supported him through thick and thin. 


Jelly Roll pre show ritual completely aligns with the life and psyche of this American musical genius.  

He has faced many bad situations and fostered many unhealthy habits. But he has an innate power to see the bright side of even the darkest thing.

As we have seen, his inherent honesty, the fighting spirit, his power to love and his honesty easily justify his success and his pre-show ritual. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who is Jelly Roll?

Ans: Jelly Roll is an American rapper, singer and songwriter of international repute.

Q2. Who is the wife of Jelly Roll?

Ans: Jelly Roll’s wife is Bunnie OX.

Q3. What is the Jelly Roll pre show ritual?

Ans: Before a show, Jelly Roll performs four specific actions which together are called his pre-show ritual.

Q4. How old is JellyRoll?

Ans: He is 40-year-old as of December 4, 2024.

About Jaylin

I'm a professional blogger, marketer, and entrepreneur. I'm Passionate for writing and focusing on the informative article about Fashion, Health, Beauty, Travel and many more.

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