The Key to Classroom Management

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By JoePirest

There is a great struggle and hard word behind every teacher reaching at certain point in their career. Along with working, they may also have spent years in classroom to enhance their skills and knowledge.

From learning the curriculum, creating instructional units, obtaining materials, establishing rules and regulations for the classroom, learning policies and procedures, and setting goals; there are many other responsibilities that they have to cater. One decision that he makes today may have consequences for his professional career as well as for the lives of students. Amongst all, the most important decision that they may make is defining centers on how they manage a classroom, and what sort of environment they’ll create and maintain it.

Here, by keeping five principles in mind, we assist you in creating a successful management systems that will not only work at all grade levels but also with all teaching styles.

Examine your Teaching Style and Preferences

Where it is crucial, it is also very easy to fall back on the different styles of management that you are familiar with. Also, consider your different expectations for students’ behavior and how you want the day at school to be spent thoroughly; from the moment they arrive at school till they leave.

Determine the kind of classroom rules you think are best suited for your individual preferences and the teaching style.

Keep it Simple

Once you have identified your preference and levels of tolerance for a classroom, it is the time to develop a classroom management system to define your expectation for students. In this system, classroom rules should be the foundation where you’ll be establishing four to five rules and making it easy for you to enforce them. Plus, students must remember them without any difficulty.

Make sure that these classroom rules must not be specified to any special activity or specific part of an instructional day.

Incorporate Positive Reinforcement

As you have refined the classroom management system, ensure that you are aware of the purpose behind it i.e. to teach behavior that is acceptable. Make sure that when you create these rules, they must be phrased as a series of positive behaviors rather than the negative ones. For instance, “Raise your hands and wait until you are called on, if you know the answer.”

Developing, teaching, and reinforcing positively phrased rules allow you to teach and strengthen the appropriate behavior while maintaining the classroom environment. Also, don’t make a management system that is all about catching students about their wrong deeds. Instead, it is also effective if you find ways to reward students for their engagement in appropriate behaviors.

Make Simple Changes First

Most of the times, it happens that we envision our classroom management system as seamless flow that students keep on following effortlessly. In actual, it is not the case.

With a little closer look, you may come to know that the same student is being disciplined over and over again. For instance, a student who comes with his homework done every day and also never gives you a lick of trouble, you must need to find-tune your classroom management system, for sure.

Take it as a pro tip that small changes could be highly effective rather than making large sweeping changes that would do nothing but stress you and confuse students only. Sometimes, it is also very helpful to have second opinion regarding your classroom management system, he may observe your skills and provide you feedback. This kind of feedback may guide you on what and how changes are needed to be made.

Start with it now

Many times, teachers give a “training period” to their students. It is so because the students are learning their tutors which is why they are not held responsible for the classroom rules. It is the biggest mistake. Students must learn their teachers’ expectation concerning their behavior be being accountable for the classroom rules from the very first day. If you don’t do by giving them a leniency from the first day they walk in the door, it may deliver a message as if your established rules are not important enough to be followed.

Make sure to keep these rules in mind while developing your classroom management system. A little forethought may prevent small problems from turning into the bigger ones later on.

Author Bio

Sarah is a freelance developer, who is very much interested in Android, IPhone and Windows development. She has worked with many reputable companies in the industry including Online UAE Universities, who have helped him making an effective portfolio for the future opportunities.

Apart from it, her hobbies include playing tennis, baseball, volleyball, and many other sports. When you don’t find her working, she might be traveling, reading books, or relaxing on the beaches of Miami.

About JoePirest

Joe Pirest is an excellent writer who wants to keep sharing knowledge and experiences through written words.

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