If you’re struggling with math anxiety or just a general misunderstanding of mathematical concepts, you can hire private math tutors to improve your math abilities. It may not be that you are bad at math; you just might need a little extra support to help you learn in a way that meets your needs. In fact, it’s an experience common in the world of education.
If you find math to be challenging, you’re not alone. A recent study with over 1,000 participants found that the average person had some math anxiety. Furthermore, around five percent of study participants had a high level of math anxiety, and those with higher anxiety tended to struggle more with concepts like probability and the understanding of math facts.
Why Hire Private Math Tutors
If you’re taking a math class and need some extra assistance, you may be wondering if a private math tutor is worth the time and money. After all, can’t you just get help from your instructor? While your teacher may be available from time to time to help you with concepts, the reality is that teaching is in most cases a full-time job, and many instructors do not have the time to commit to repeated tutoring sessions.
The benefit of a private tutor is that you can receive one-on-one assistance with math at times that fit your schedule. You won’t be limited to narrow windows of time right outside of class or during your instructor’s office hours. With a private tutor, you can also schedule as many sessions as are needed to help you master the concepts, while your classroom teacher may only be able to work with you a few times.
Ultimately, private tutoring simply offers more flexibility, and a better opportunity for success, than going to your instructor for extra help or simply trying to learn the material on your own from a textbook. You can also receive online sessions from a private tutor, which makes it even easier to improve your math skills.
How Should I Improve My Maths?
If you’ve made an attempt to study or even ask your teacher for a little extra help but you still aren’t improving in math, it’s probably time to seek a private math tutor. These individuals can give you one-on-one attention and feedback, and they can work with you on the specific issue you are struggling to solve in math. In the classroom, math instructors follow a specific curriculum and provide general instruction in each area. A private math tutor can hone in on the areas that are most difficult for you, and provide reteaching and repeated practice with those areas.
If you’re still not convinced that private tutoring is the answer to improving your maths, consider the results of a study published in the International Review of Education, which found that private tutoring was beneficial for improving academic performance in several subject areas, including math. If you choose to invest in a private math tutor, you can be confident that you will receive a return on your investment.
What You’ll Work on With a Private Math Tutor
When you receive one-on-one instruction from a private math tutor, the tutor will likely show you step-by-step demonstrations of how to solve math problems, as this has been found to be an effective method of learning math. After viewing step-by-step demonstrations, you’ll be prepared to solve math problems on your own through repeated practice.
In addition to receiving demonstrations, a private math tutor will review any concepts that are challenging for you and provide you with feedback as you solve math problems. Your tutor will also give you an opportunity to ask questions so you can receive clarification on anything that is still confusing for you. Your tutor will also encourage you to practice math outside of your sessions, so it is important that you are motivated to put in extra time on your own to improve your math skills.
Ultimately, the exact nature of your math tutoring sessions will depend upon your specific needs. That is the beauty of working with a private tutor; you can receive lessons that are tailored to your specific situation, and set goals that align with the areas of math you’d like to improve. Some tutors may specialize in one area of math, such as algebra or geometry, and you can find a private math tutor with the exact qualifications that you need!
Learn Math with the Best on Eurekly.com
Many have a long-standing mission to win the war with math. And, it’s possible. Old and new scientific data suggest that private instruction can be highly effective as a solution to math blockades. The affordability and flexibility of this method of learning math give even the most confused students the motivation and tools to succeed.
If you’re interested in finding private math tutors to enhance your math abilities, you can look to Eurekly. Eurekly.com is a place for students to match with effective, low-cost, and available tutors. Their virtual classrooms come equipped to enhance any lesson with a private tutor so you can benefit from attention and technology. See your options for private online tutors today.