Soggypaula78h: Is There Logic Behind This Trending Handle?

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By safikul

Soggypaula78h is a trending handle on social media platforms and chat rooms. But what does it mean? Is it a randomly generated handle or is there any logic behind this online persona?

Let’s explore this interesting handle in this Elivestory article.

What is a Handle?

In online jargon, a handle is an account identifier. It is similar to a username but usually contains symbols, numbers, and letters.

It may also contain images or graphical smileys.

Benefits of a handle

Suppose you have a social media handle. From that platform’s point of view, the significance of this handle is that there’s no one else with your handle and it identifies you and only you.

Thus handles help social media platforms determine how many accounts they have.

From your point of view, This handle serves several purposes. Here are some of them.

It Masks Your Actual Identity

Many people don’t want to use their actual names and prefer to use handles for anonymity.

Handles Give Freedom of Action

Hiding the actual identity, handles help users do anything and get away with it.

Suppose this soggypaula78h is your bestie. One day you find her (Paula is a feminine name. So from now onwards I’ll treat this handle as belonging to a woman) doing something outrageous in a chat room.

Her action will not affect your relationship as you won’t know this handle belongs to your best friend.

Handles Provide Security

Security-conscious people usually use handles, especially where real identity doesn’t serve any significant purpose.

There is no point in telling the world that you are soggypaula78h in a chat room where serious discussions hardly take place.

Besides, revealing real identity may attract grave attacks from hackers and other dicey characters.

Handles Help Surveillance

Suppose you suspect that your wife is slippery. You can take a handle and visit chat rooms that she frequents and keep an eye on her.

You can even become her online friend and skillfully make her spill the beans!

Handles Lend Uniqueness

Your handle is your unique identifier. It stands for your unique traits–good or bad. By doing so, it keeps your self-respect intact and gives you a psychological high.

Handles Reveal Intelligence

A well-chosen handle may reveal to the world your intelligence and depth. People usually select handles that best describe their strengths.

An interesting and unique handle reveals the user’s range of knowledge, intelligence and ability to mix reality with fantasy to create a unique effect.

Handles May Reveal Personality

Studying a handle carefully, a thoughtful person may correctly guess the personality of the user who is using the handle.

Can you guess the real-life personality of this soggypaula78h?

Okay, let’s guess together.

An Analysis of Soggypaula78h

So this handle is the unique identifier for a person. What’s behind this particular handle? What is this online persona trying to achieve?

We’ll probably never know. But there’s no harm in guessing. Let’s do some detective work.

What the Name Reveals

Soggy is an English word meaning something unpleasantly wet. It has a negative connotation. Paula is a very common name for women.

So here is a woman who uses a negative epithet to describe herself. It either means she is very intelligent or very stupid.

Intelligent, because using an adjective that is opposite to her actual personality, she has added an extra layer of security to her online persona.

Stupid, because by using this adjective, she may push people away from her. Because no one likes to get associated with someone who thinks she is soggy.

What the Name Achieves

Apart from unanimity, soggypaula78h bags another achievement that is crucial to attracting likes, comments and followers on online platforms, namely branding.

Achieves Branding

Branding is the process of imprinting a unique identity for something or someone on the minds of people.

One of the ways of branding is using a unique and attractive name.

By using this handle, this person has been able to shock others to notice and remember her due to the quirky nature of it.

People like us will tear their hair trying to guess the meaning of the name and will get nowhere.

But this is not important. The important thing is that the more we’ll think, the more we’ll remember this name.

More Fan Followers

The use of the element of shock to grab attention is an age-old psychological tactic that businesses and people use.

Soggypaula78h has this element of surprise inherent in it. With this name, this individual can attract more fan followers than an ordinary straightforward handle.

Gender Neutrality

I’m treating this handle as the identifier of a woman to make this article easy to understand. In reality, this handle doesn’t reveal the gender of the user.

Paula is a woman’s name. But you will be shocked to know that thousands, maybe millions, of men use female handles to cheat, monitor or simply attract others.

So this handle has been able to make an almost unsolvable mystery about the gender of its user.


The user of the handle soggypaula78h may be of any gender, intelligence, education or personality. It matters little.

What matters is that by using this handle, the user has been able to attract others, which is the most crucial objective of any online handle.


Q. What is soggypaula78h?

A. Soggypaula78h is a trending online handle.

Q. What is a handle?

A. A handle is a unique identifier of a user of online social media or other platforms and chatting.

Q. What are the benefits of handles?

A. Handles help you attract people, achieve unanimity, increase your online security and act freely.

Q. Is soggypaula78ha woman?

A. Difficult to say. Paula is a feminine name, but many men use feminine handles online.

About safikul

Safikul Islam is a professional Software Engineer with vast experience in research and development field. Presently, He Works for eLiveStory. He also has a strong passion for writing creative blogs and articles about fashion, new technology,Jewelry and following the latest trends in these areas.

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