A website functions as a tool for business marketing on the internet and it is important that the first online impression on the prospective customer is captivating. It is necessary to implement the best practices in user interface, user experience, designing and development. Web design and development is quite complex and requires the right set of expertise to develop a website that achieves business goals.
Let’s discuss best practices in each category one by one:
Website Design:

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)
Visitor’s attitude and emotions about using a particular product refer to user experience and it is of utmost importance while developing a website. It involves customer satisfaction through its ease of usability which is the main attracting factor of the website. User interface brings together concepts from interaction design, visual design, information architecture and interactivity of the website. UI and UX are both important for a successful website. Logo Design Legend provides a platform where fully optimized and attractive websites are made for the clients.
Understand Client Needs
One of the most important aspects in the design process is understanding the needs of the target market. Try creating a website that is customized according to the data and intended audience.
Consistency and Uniqueness
Uniqueness and consistency of website is the key to success. Make sure that the website uses a new template and appears different as compared to other websites. In case you have a website that is not unique may adversely impact your sales. By creating an attractive layout will ensure visitor’s attention and multiple visits. A good design layout consists of a carefully designed logo, a consistent header, contrasting text color with background and consistent header.
Color, Contrast and Typography
Keep in mind the psychology of colors and contrasting and then decide what is best for your target audience. Impressive colors and contrasting keeps visitors engaged for a longer period of time. Another important aspect of the website is the font. The size and style of the font make a considerable impact on the connection with your visitor.
HD Graphics
A lasting impression is the key to higher revenues and graphics plays an important role in it. Make sure to use high definition graphics for showcasing products and also add a relevant description that describes the product.
Make Forms Easy-to-Use
Website visitors need a way to contact the company to inquire about products or services they offer. Therefore, it is important to keep contact form simple and easy-to-use.
Website Development:

Proper Website Planning
The most important step involved in website development is planning where aim, budget, scope, functionalities and technology integration of the website are decided. Project Manager usually manages the complete flow of the website and takes major decisions.
Website Architecture
Content and flow of the website are organized in this phase and alignment with UX/UI design steps. Moqups, Axure RP and Wireframe.cc are popular tools used for creating a porotype of the website.
Website Development
After the web designs are finalized, the design gets coded. The final product is a programmed web pages comprising of graphics, database and content.
Quality Assurance
Soon after the development process, the most important and crucial phase is quality assurance and it must be taken very seriously. Quality assurance ensures that the website is fully functional, optimization is up to the mark and website is responsive on all browsers, operating systems and devices.
Regular Maintenance and Tracking
Regular maintenance is necessary for a website. If you want to know which product is more profitable, it is only possible through regular tracking of traffic, bounce rates and which variables are the best performers. All this can also be achieved by Google Analytics as well. Integrate Google Analytics with your website and use the data for Search Engine Optimization and achieve greater results in terms of sales and revenues.